Nutricon's Feed Concept
The Most Powerful feed Acidifier
Production and delivery of quality feed is the first step to food safety in the “farm-to-fork” model, because feed is one of the major carrier through which transmission of pathogens occur. Organic acids and their salts are generally regarded as safe(GRAS) and addition of organic acids to feed combats pathogenic bacteria and fungi successfully.
Erazal contains Propionic, Formic, Acetic, Fumaric, Lactic acids and salts such as Calcium Propionate and Sodium Formate on a unique carrier.
Prevents contamination of feed and re-contamination at the time of storage.
Works throughout the gut to prevent colonization of Salmonella, E. coil and other Gram negative microorganisms.
Supports pre-conditions for digestion.
Helps in absorption of nutrients especially minerals.
Improves biosecurity of feed mill.
Prolongs shelf-life of feed.

1-2 Kg/Ton of feed for prevention.
2-4 Kg/Ton of feed for suspected contamination of feed.
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
Gut Friendly Acidifier
Organic acids and their salts have been identified as best alternative to antibiotic growth promoters because acidification of gut helps in favoring the beneficial organism such as Lactobacillus and inhibiting the pathogenic bacteria like E.coil, Salmonella, and Clostridium etc. Organic acids also improve the digestibility of protein and minerals, thus increases the economic performance of poultry.
Lactic acid, Propionic acid, Butyric acid, Formic acid and their salts in organic carrier.
Increased enzymic digestion of protein and aminoacid availability.
Improved absorption of minerals-calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.
Inhibition of intestinal pathogenic bacteria.
No resistance, no residues and no withdrawal period.
Quicker gastric emptying.
Increased NSP digestibility.

500 gm – 1 Kg/Ton of feed
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
An Effective Emulsifier for poultry
In order to obtain faster growth and more egg mass, use of high energy ration becomes mandatory. In this context, utilization of high dense feed by bird is facilitated by adding emulsifiers, which help in digestion as well as absorption of fat.
NUTRISORB is a novel product developed by Nutricon’s R&D. NUTRISORB contains chicken specific emulsifiers derived from Lysolecithin. The emulsifiers of NUTRISORB are having positive impact on micelle formation as well as stability of micelle matrix.
Improves the bioavailability of both water soluble and fat soluble nutrients.
Enhances the absorption of nutrients especially fat/oil from the gut.
Prevents fat build up in the body and minimizes abdominal fat.
Faster Weight gain and improved feed efficiency.
Increased dressing percentage as well as carcass quality.
Improved flock uniformity and Increased egg numbers.
Sustaining the peak production and increased hatchability.
Excellent financial return.

500 gm – 1 Kg/Ton of feed
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
An Ecofriendly Cocktail Enzyme Programme
Constant rise in the cost of raw materials, presence of Non-digestible and anti-nutritional factors in the feed ingredients pave the way for the use of exogenous microbial enzyme supplementation in feed. Enzymes are naturally occurring proteins that act as biological catalysts.
Cellulase, Protease, Pectinase, Beta Glucanase, Xylanase, Alpha galactosidase and phytase.
Reduces feed cost by providing flexibility in feed formulation.
Enhancing the nutritive value of feed ingredients.
Improves litter quality by decreasing the incidence of loose droppings.
Improved flock uniformity.
Reduced environmental pollution.

500 gm – 1 Kg/Ton of feed
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
The Proven Multi Toxinbinder
Mycotoxins are highly toxic to people and animals. Mycotoxicosis, an economically important threat in poultry production, is caused by ingestion of toxic metabolites produced by moulds growing on feed ingredients. Aflatoxins (Hepatotoxic), Ocharatoxins and Citrinin(Nephrotoxic), Patulin(Neurotoxic) and T-2(Cytotoxic) are few examples of such mycotoxins.
Mannan Oligo-saccharides (MOS), Activated carbons, Special grade hydrated aluminium-silicates treated with organic acids.
Effectively binds and expels all types of toxin.
Prevents Liver Damage.
Improves Immune Response.
Improves Litter Quality.
Ensuring optimum performance in broiler, layer and breeders.

500 gm – 1 Kg/Ton of feed
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
Stress Free
Nutrition Based Anti - Stress System
Maintaining Thermo-regulatory mechanism and reducing incidence of break in immunity caused by several stress factors is the key in obtaining maximum production.
Bio-technologically modified amino acids like S-Adenosyl methionine, Citric acid, Chelated minerals.
Improves feed consumption thus ensuring the optimum nutrient intake.
Maintaining body temperature, electrolyte and hormonal balance.
Optimum growth rate, egg production and shell quality.
Improving the bio availability of micro nutrients.

500 gm – 1 Kg/Ton of feed
25 kg poly coated paper bags.
Promoting sexual health to maximize the farm Profitability
The dramatic gains of poultry meat and egg production in commercial flocks over the past 50 years are largely due to genetic selection and breeder management. Sexual health of the male bird is very crucial in the production of fertile eggs and chick quality. The number of fertile eggs produced for hatching dictates the ultimate profitability of the breeder flock.
Over thousands of years, all the herbal traditions around the world have sought out plants to enhance sexual performance in human beings as well as in animal kingdom. Thus, combining the wisdom of these herbal traditions and with the help of advanced technology, Nutricon delivers a unique, balanced and effective formula – Spermaxx. The performance and the actions of Spermaxx has been validated by modern science.
Spermaxx contains highly efficacious aphrodisiac herbs such as Withania somnifera, Safed musli, Moringa oleifera, Tribulus terrestris, Mucuna pruriens, Asparagus officinalis and Avena sativa.
Increases the libido.
Improves semen viscosity and sperm viability.
Enhances sperm motility.
Antioxidants of Spermaxx reduces the aging process of the bird.
Emulsifiers in Spermaxx keep the body fat under control to make the bird sexually active.

0.5 gm per male bird (or)
500 gms to 1 kg/Ton of feed.
1 kg x 10 Nos. in one carton box.
Immune Up
A novel Immunomodulator and Immunostimulant for poultry
Immunity is the capability of the body to resist harmful microorganism or viruses from entering into it. The immune system in poultry, like that of humans, has developed several levels of defence strategies to cope with a wide spectrum of pathogens. The avian immune system is divided into non-specific and specific immune mechanisms.
Herbs are traditionally been used for centuries to help in strengthening the immune system, and to relieve some of the unpleasant symptoms associated with infection caused by virus or bacteria. Nutricon herbal research team has examined various herbs that are having immunomodulatory effects and the herbs having immunostimulating effects, these herbs are carefully selected and developed into a novel product –Immune Up to support avian immune system.
Immune Up contains immunomodulatory and immunostimulating herbs such as Aconitium heterophyllum, Allium sativum, Allium cepa, Aloevera, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma longa, Emblica officinalis, Piper longum, Tinospora cordifolia and Withania somnifera.
Fights infection.
Strengthens body tissues against assault by invading microorganisms.
Stimulated macrophage capability.
Assists the Cell Mediated Immune Response.
Improves post vaccination immunity.
Immune Up is an antioxidant which eliminates free radicals from the body.
Antistress effects of Immune Up helps to relive stress caused by vaccination, weather changes and transportation.

500 gms to 1kg / Ton of feed.
25 Kg poly coated paper bags.
An Effective Expectorant for Poultry
Due ro modern systems of management and also because of high poultry densities, respiratory diseases spread rapidly between birds and also from farm to farm. Regardless of whether birds are raised for meat, eggs, breeding or show purposes, respiratory infections results in decreased performance. Even though respiratory infections in poultry have several causes, but clinical signs of these illness often look very similar.
However, successful treatment and prevention of these diseases depends on an accurate diagnosis. RespoRelief is a herbal solution for respiratory distress in different respiratory diseases. Even though antibiotics are the major remedy in bacterial disease and also for secondary infection, RepoRelief can be used along with antibiotic synergistically for the quick recovery from the respiratory illness. RespoRelief is also useful in the prevention of various respiratory infections.
RespoRelief contains extracts of medicinal plants such as Ocimum sanctum, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma longa, Mentha piperita, Zingiber officinale, Pongamia pinnata, Adhatoda zeylanica, Allium sativum, Ficus racemosa and Euphorbia hirta.
To get relief from symptoms associated with respiratory infection like sniffing, rattling, sneezing, coughing & other signs of respiratory distress.
RespoRelief soothes the respiratory tract and keeps breathing tract free from mucous.
As a supportive therapy along with antibiotics during respiratory infection for prevention of production loss.
Relieves stress caused due to respiratory distress.
Restores normal production.
Minimizes secondary bacterial complications.
Strengthens respiratory tract against respiratory infection.
Promotes feed intake, growth rate and weight gains.

500 gms to 1kg / Ton of feed.
25 Kg poly coated paper bags.
Nu-Liver Up
An ideal hepatoprotective & hepatoregenerative herbal liver tonic
Liver is the one of the vital organ in the body which performs many essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, detoxification and the storage of nutrients within the body. Being the central organ of metabolism, the liver is always subjected to damage by various kinds of toxins. Liver stimulants and protectants are usually supplemented to support the liver in detoxification and to improve the structural and functional integrity of liver parenchyma.
Nu-Liver Up contains highly efficacious hepato-stimulating and hepato-protecting herbs such as Andrographis paniculata, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia arjuna, Phyllanthus niruri, Withania somnifera, Ocimum sancutum and Mangifera indica.
Protects the liver from different types of toxin.
Helps in rapid regeneration of liver cells.
Nu-Liver Up is a supportive medication during toxicity, fatty liver conditions and other hepatic disorders.
Can be used as a regular supplement to enhance overall functioning of the liver.
Better growth rate and production.

500 gms to 1 kg/Ton of feed.
25 Kg poly coated paper bags.